I’m sure you’ve all heard of Henry Lawson. He’s a well known Australian writer and bush poet. Really, there’s no need for me to talk about him more than that. But I was listening to the radio tonight and the guest of the hour was Michelle Scott Tucker. She is ...

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I’m still reading the biography of Alan Turing, I may be a couple more weeks. Part of one of my tasks at the moment is to conduct an audit of my blog. I’ve been writing my blog here since April 2009, that’s a lot of writing and just like reading ...

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I’m sure many of you can understand that. I’ve got a number of large, and long, projects on my To Do List. I think it’s probably too many, but I seem to actually have some kind of focus at the moment. This afternoon I managed to power my way through ...

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I don’t have a book to write about so I’m going to talk about my weekend. There is relevance to books. It was really busy and despite one good night’s sleep I’m looking forward to more sleep tonight. The two things I want to talk about are a play we ...

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I still haven’t finished my book. Last week my brain was fried and I couldn’t find anything to write about. This week I’m that much closer to finishing my book. I’ll write about it next week whether I finish or not, I feel you’ve all been very patient. We managed ...

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I finally did a Click and Collect at the library the other day. Now that Melbourne is out of lockdown and vastly reducing our restrictions I’m finally borrowing a book from the library. It makes no sense to have left it so long until you see the state of my ...

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Audiobooks are a challenge to create. They are an added expense and can take lots of time. I don’t have dollar figures for audiobooks but who you choose will make a difference as to the bottom line. Some people will read the book themselves, this is very time consuming but ...

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Almost every year I’ve received an email offering me a free media pass to the London Bookfair. Each year I’ve looked at this email while turning a distinct shade of green. They always send it out only a few days prior to the event. And the problem is organising tickets ...

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I had such fun with my Reading Challenge in 2020 I’ve decided to embark on three challenges this year. Yes, three. It’s not going to be as challenging as it sounds as there’s a lot of crossover. The three challenges I’m doing are The 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. Hosted by ...

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Early this year I joined a Facebook group for the Dymocks Reading Challenge for 2020. I had no expectations of actually finishing the challenge as I’ve never managed to complete a reading challenge before, but I decided to join the group and cheer people on. Over this past weekend I ...

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Something I used to do in the dim, dark past i.e. before I started studying at university, was to write an occasional article about what was happening in the book industry. I’ve had a couple of interesting things come across my desk recently so I’m going to share some of ...

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Washington DC is such an amazing place. You can spend weeks there just visiting museums. Last time we visited there it was the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s historic speech. We didn’t realise until later that day otherwise we would have been with the masses. This time it was ...

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These pokkuri are Japanese. They are designed for a young girl. You should find bells inside the shoes so the girl tinkles as she walks. Bata Shoe MuseumA close up of one section of the TorahOne part of the TorahThe Village IdiotShoes made by the Noruba people in Nigeria As ...

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I have been offered all sorts of things as freebies if only I write about them on my blog. I’m really careful about what I accept as it has to make sense within the general theme of the blog. I jumped when the email came through to receive a pair ...

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