I’m struggling to remember where I bought this book. I don’t think I borrowed it from someone, but it’s entirely possible that I did. If it was you please let me know, I’ll need to return it. Having looked at the back of the book I see it was bought ...
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." C.S. Lewis
Est. 2009
This book was chosen for my new book club. I’m writing about the book long before we meet. Why? Because I’m impatient. Not because I want to write my thoughts clear and uncluttered by anyone else’s, but because I’m impatient. Also, it’s a library book and I might not be ...
I scribbled a few words about this book in 2016. I’ve just finished rereading it and figured I used so few words last time I could easily scribble a few more words today and there would be little double up. Peter Haining is easily my favourite anthology editor. I’ve been ...
This book was a Kickstarter campaign. Shared by a friend who I know is reliable so I put my money down. Promptly forgot about it, I presume I must have answered the questions about postal address, but I don’t remember. It was a sheer pleasure to open the parcel and ...
This is a good book to read if you’re needing a reminder about how dependent we are on water. I understand the book is not about water, but it is set in small town Victoria, Australia and they’re going through a drought. I’m guessing a drought in rural areas is ...
This is one of the books I bought at Continuum this year. I bought this and also the anthology she was selling on her table. Pearson gave a talk about how she writes and I thought this to be absolutely fascinating. I figured reading these would give me some insight ...
I needed something I’d read before, something that felt friendly and light. Looking on my shelves I found Ngaio Marsh. She’s a New Zealand author with some of her detective novels set in England and some in New Zealand. I really love her style of writing. It’s laid back, with ...
I bought this book at The Bright Bookshop. We were spending a weekend in Bright and I was left, in the middle of town, with a car and plenty of time. The first day was a Saturday and also market day. I spent Saturday morning in the market and then ...
Yet another book by Carlisle delivered to me in the post because I back her on Patreon (shameless plug, just because). I think I’ve caught up with all the books she’s sent me, there may be some ebooks I haven’t read yet, but that’s another story. It’s another steampunk book, ...
I was very pleased to read yet another of the books I bought at the Book Fair last year. I’m sure Joyce had more than this book for sale and yet I only bought this one. It’ll be interesting to look at her books next time to find out why ...
Today is the day I cheat and I do it with purpose in mind. I finished Apocalypse 3: Diary of a Survivor and Apocalypse 4: Diary of a Survivor some days ago. I then breathed a huge sigh of relief and tried to put both of them from my mind. ...
And with this book Aldin is back. He’s in fine form here. This is a book filled with action and adventure out in space and also on another planet. The world-building is great, I can see the potential for a number of other books in this same world. I got ...
It’s only a week since I scribbled words about the first book in this series. I was wondering if I’d write about each book in an individual article or just do a round up at the end. I’m still thinking but this is book two. I’m guessing I’ll be doing ...
One of the many books I bought at the Book Fair in Sydney last year. This is the first in a series, of which I bought the first four. As always when I read a series I wonder if I should only write about the first book, or wait and ...
Carlisle is a talented author, but what I really liked about her books was her research. That is until I read this book. This is the book that converted me to loving her writing. This is an anthology, a collection of short stories about Viola Stewart. There is a bonus ...