This book is biographical. It’s a slightly fictionalised story of her mother’s childhood. Some of the names have been changed to give people some anonymity. To me, this is a very important book. It’s great for white folks to understand how we’ve wronged entire communites. But it’s even more important ...

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I have such luck with my friends, it’s a lovely thing to be able to celebrate their achievements on my blog. I generally give people their privacy and celebrate privately, but this is a book and you should know by now that I celebrate books loudly and openly on my ...

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This is one of those books that I should have read years ago. Published in 1987 and a copy has been sitting on my FIL’s shelf since then. I’m sure he went to the book launch as he’s known the author for a long time. I saw it in passing ...

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This book was loaned to me by a friend. He put it in my hands months ago, possibly as long ago as last spring. I’ve struggled to read it as Kojima has a way with words. Hideo Kojima is an incredibly successful games designer. He’s worked on many games including ...

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Another of the books I bought at Book Fair Australia. I’ll get through them at some point. I certainly chose an eclectic bunch of books. This one is non-fiction. A memoir talking to us about the author’s life. It has both good and bad points. It is well written. We ...

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Arnold Zable is one of those great writers. I reckon he’s the Neil Gaiman of the biography genre. I understand I’ll be repeating myself, but I do feel his books should be used as examples of good writing. I am going to choose one paragraph and I’ll try not to ...

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Another book in the ‘can’t remember where or when I got this’ category. Sometimes I remember to write this information down on a business card and put it in the book. This biography is nicely written, we get some good insights into what it’s like to live in Kabul, and ...

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I found this book on my inlaws shelf when I was helping clean out their house. I’m fascinated by quirky books and this took my fancy. The only thing that makes this book quirky is that it was written in 1951. Medical science has progressed significantly since that year, vast ...

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Smith has a fairly common name, but her writing is the totally opposite. When I unboxed her book I misunderstood and thought she was published by a traditional publisher. She gently disabused me of this notion. One day I feel the traditional publisher will regret turning her away. What Smith ...

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So I unboxed a parcel and made video. It seemed fitting to publish another guest post by Sally Jane Smith the day after that video went live. Since her last article for me she’s published her own book, you can see her links at the bottom. (ISBN 9780645139280) “Aama scoffs ...

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This is another of my stash from the Book Fair Australia. I bought it because it seemed interesting, and it occurred to me I’m very intuitive when I buy my books. I don’t put too much thought into if the plot sounds good or if the characters excite me. I ...

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If you’re a reader you’ve probably heard of Johannes Gutenberg, the father of printing. He was the first person to invent a moveable-type printing press. In order for a printing press of this calibre to come into being a number of other things had to be invented. These include adjustable ...

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I bought this book at the op shop. I’ve been doing a lot of looking at books at op shops recently. Trying not to do too much because I come away with books and my TBR Pile is already bursting at the shelves. I’ve probably mentioned before how I have ...

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This is one of those heartrending books that are a delight to read. I bought it at the bookshop, Under the Silver Tree in Broken Hill. It was recommended to me by the manager and I am grateful to her. Having completely forgotten to write my blog last week I ...

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