Back in 2011 I pondered a dilemma. In that article I’d recently found out something unsavoury about a favourite childhood author. I was pondering whether to keep the book by this author listed on my website or get rid of it. Would I be able to sell it to somebody ...
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." C.S. Lewis

Est. 2009
Welcome to the New Year! At the end of 2023 I wrote an article talking about what I planned to do in the future. I didn’t talk much about the past. While I’d like to do that again, I want to talk about this year in relation to some of ...
I was going to write words about Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales by Karen J. Carlisle, but I’ve got a couple of things in my mind so I’m going to do a ramble unadulterated by any planning and accompanied by some cello music by The Punk Cellist. I’m ...
Collecting is a fabulous hobby. The problem is when you die you have no control over who gets what…unless you put it in your will. Some collections can be worth a lot and others are worth peanuts. Last year I cleaned out my in-laws house. It was full of collections. ...
This is a repeat of what happened last year, but with some differences. Last year I drove by myself to Sydney to attend the Book Fair Australia and I had the best time. Last year I wandered through the entire hall and looked at, or spoke to, every single stall ...
I was sent a link to a TikTok. I don’t have a TikTok account but I have been able to view this link so here’s a link to it. You can watch it yourself if you want to do so. It’s a video of a tweet on This one ...
I’ve been home for a couple of days and I’m still very tired. I’m not sure if it’s hormones, my body hating me, or just overdoing it at BendiCon on Sunday. But I’m very tired and I had an awesome time. The reason I was at BendiCon is because the ...
I’m sure you’ve all heard of Henry Lawson. He’s a well known Australian writer and bush poet. Really, there’s no need for me to talk about him more than that. But I was listening to the radio tonight and the guest of the hour was Michelle Scott Tucker. She is ...
Booktopia is the largest online bookseller in Australia. My research shows that it pre-dates Amazon selling in Australia and its sales focus on one thing, books. Amazon sells anything and everything but Booktopia only sells books. If you’re selling only one type of item online you only have to worry ...
In trying to decide what to write about tonight I lit on The Bedside Milligan by Spike Milligan. But he is problematic, as better writers than I have written many more words about him. You can see two books on this link and I’d not want to add more words ...
Sorry for all the exclamation marks, I do know that Terry Pratchett felt that too many exclamation marks is the sure sign of a diseased mind, but I need them all, so much excitement. For me, this year looks to be the year when everything seems to be dropping back ...
I’m so excited to write about Dandy-Con I almost lost my ability to word good. Set at the fabulous Dandnong Library at 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. I attended on the 27th April which is not that long ago. This might have been their second convention, with the first being held ...
I’ve changed the day I publish my article on this website. I did that a few weeks ago in an effort to force myself to write. I’m finding I’m too busy doing things for, or with, other people to find time to write my blog. The thing is I am ...
My body hates me. I say this not to complain but as a prelude to help you understand why I was awake in the middle of the night. Eczema was stopping me sleeping. It was a warm night and I’d woken up very itchy. Unless you suffer from eczema it’s ...
I’m developing a really good track record for not talking about books this year. Or maybe that should be a really bad track record for talking about books. Both of those are right so take whichever you want. Last week I didn’t write at all and this week I’m writing ...