Yes, I do accept books for review however there are some guidelines that need to be adhered to before you submit your book.
A review is not an editorial review. A book review is simply that, a review of the book after having read it. It is a review written from a reader perspective for the benefit of other readers. As such, feedback will not be given to you from an editorial or publishing view point. If you are wanting an editorial review then please head to the Our Services page to review the services we offer.
Whilst I am happy to review most books, there are a few genres that I simply don't read and only so many hours in my day. Whether due to genre or my time, if I am unable to personally complete your review I will pass your submission to one of my guest reviewers for them to read and provide me with a review to be published on this site. Submission of your book acknowledges that you understand and accept that I may not be the one providing the review.
Please provide the following with your submission:
- A good synopsis
- Genre
- Head and shoulders photo of the author
- Cover photo
- Author's website
- Social media links
- Links to buy the book
- Launch date
While I prefer to read a physical book I like to make this as cheap for the author/publisher/marketer as possible and therefore will be happy to have your book in e-form. As I use my iPad I can accept any format you wish.
I am more than happy to run competitions and giveaways for my readers to benefit from. If you would like to submit your book for this purpose then I request the following:
- That you submit your book to me for review well before the competition start date,
- That you cover all postage costs to the winner and forward the winners prize in a timely manner (within 7 days of the draw),
- That you provide any promotional images you require for use during the giveaway,
- That you link to the competition from your website, social media and/or newsletters
- That all entrant details will remain the property of Suz's Space and not be shared with you or any third party to protect the integrity of my business and my readers' privacy.
All physical book submissions can be sent to:
Suzie Eisfelder
P.O. Box 3073
Murrumbeena 3163
For ebook submissions please email here.