Dymocks Reading Challenge 2020

Suzie Eisfelder

Early this year I joined a Facebook group for the Dymocks Reading Challenge for 2020. I had no expectations of actually finishing the challenge as I’ve never managed to complete a reading challenge before, but I decided to join the group and cheer people on. Over this past weekend I made an effort and finished the last book. There are 26 categories and Dymocks make a number of suggestions for each category, but ultimately it’s up to the reader to make the decision of which book to read for which category. I decided not to cheat and use one book for multiple categories, instead I read one book per category. I feel I have cheated a little in that I occasionally read a book I’d read before, although one category called for that. I’ve managed to complete this challenge with only buying two books; while half of them came from my To Be Read Pile.

For me, the group was key to me finishing. We were encouraged to put up a photo and tell the group the title and author of the book we’d just finished. Watching other people take action in this manner made me want to do the same. Some categories gave me trouble, but with help from the group and from family I found books to fit.

Here are the categories and the books I read:

Other things I wish to make note of

I started reading the first book of Nightworld by L.J. Smith as the first book in a fantasy series. When I was a few pages in I realised this would be for the category ‘outside my usual genre’. There was no way I was going to intentionally read a romance book, but having started I plowed on through although I felt no compunction to read the other two books in the box set. Some lucky person has them now, I thank them for taking these books out of my house.

I have given affiliate links for some of these books. I’m currently trying to decide which reading challenges to sign up for during 2021. I feel really good having completed a big one and there are two I’m considering which are much smaller. These two challenges do call for a bigger commitment in putting my name down and actually blogging about each book. I’m also considering the advisability of starting and promoting my own reading challenge, I have some ideas of general themes in mind, but I wonder if there are enough challenges around.

Three books were on loan to me, two of these books I sourced through my local community Facebook group. Two books were given to me by the publisher or the author. One book had been on my TBR pile for about 20 years. Essentially, this reading challenge has been excellent for giving me impetus to read more books, and for getting me to reduce my TBR pile. I thank Dymocks for creating the challenge and the admin for running the Facebook group.

    1. It is. I’ve had such fun doing the reading, but also watching other people show their books.

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