With the setting of the sun tonight is the completion of Chanukah. This list of books is to denote each of the eight nights of Chanukah. There may be nothing about Chanukah in any of these books, but they spoke to me more than other books and may change your feelings or your mind on the topics at hand. They are the candles we have to light each of the eight nights of Chanukah as a representation of the oil that lasted eight days when it should have lasted one. We’re meant to have the candles visible from the street in order that passersby might be reminded of the miracle of Chanukah. Essentially, each of these books is my candle in my window. And just like how I choose the candles to put in my Chanukiah these books are in no particular order, it’s just too hard to decide so I’m not.
The Assignment by Liza Wiemar because someone has to be the first person to stand up and be counted. It’s hard but sometimes that first person can make all the difference.
The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu by Joshua Hammer because this illustrates how important Librarians are. They find books, nurture them, and in this case save them from being destroyed.
Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges because without Alan Turing I would not be able to write a blog. I know there are many others who have made huge contributions to the science of IT, but there is only one Alan Turing.
The Yield by Tara June Winch because the subject matter is so important and her writing restored my faith in writers and publishers.
New Ceres Nights edited by Alisa Krasnostein & Tehani Wessely because this book illustrates why I love anthologies. I’ve found so many new authors in this book, one day I’ll follow up these authors and read other treasures by them.
Oodgeroo by Kathie Cochrane because Oodgeroo was an amazing person and it is lovely to see that through the eyes of a good friend.
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman because good mental health is important and having friends to help when things hit rock bottom are the best.
Code Blue: Prison Officer in Danger by Bruce Perham because this is a very important topic. It’s not covered nearly enough outside prisons.
It was very hard to decide which books not to include in this list. I’ve kept notes so I can use some of the books not mentioned tonight in the future. Each one was so beautifully written and illustrated the point they were trying to make.