Suzie Eisfelder
May 7, 2015

I found three people for today’s article, I decided I’d leave the two Japanese men for the moment and have a brief look at the Israeli guy.

Nir Yaniv is pretty young having only been born in 1972. He’s pretty talented being an author, editor and musician. If you visit his blog you’ll be able to get a feel for his music and see some info about his writing.  He founded the webzine Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy in 2000 and edited it for seven years.

Part of this society’s work is to present awards for best translations of science fiction and fantasy, the latest results they have on the link are a little old being from 2008 but the first two books are two favourites of mine: I am Legend by Richard Matheson translated by Yael Inbar and Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett translated by Yonatan Bar. They also have several conventions throughout the year focussing on different areas of science fiction and fantasy. How awesome to attend one of these! Pity my Hebrew is so poor, but how awesome!

The Love Machine & other contraptions by Nir Yaniv

You can buy The Love Machine & other contraptions here. It’s a collection of Yaniv’s short stories and it’s in English!

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