Suzie Eisfelder
October 25, 2014

Just because I interrupted myself on Thursday I’m giving you some lovely photos today. I’m hoping people will come along and identify themselves because some of these people I have no idea.

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These people are advertising a Zombie Apocalypse tonight, you might remember the typo I vaguely mentioned the other day.
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Here’s the guy who kept photobombing. I gave in and got a photo just for him, he made noises at me which sounded as if he approved.
Gumby!!!! But you knew that.
Sooty and Sweep
Sooty and Sweep. I’m in love! These clever costumes aren’t costumes but are actually life size puppets.
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I have no idea, I was too creeped out by this guy to ask. He insisted on tilting his head to one side making things even more creepy.
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Even her eyes were black! That’s dedication for you. What I found bizarre is that she came by later on without her black eyes and I didn’t recognise her.

You haven’t heard the last of me…or my photos. Stay tuned for one last blast on Monday before we head back to Mondayitis and my regularly abnormal posting schedule.

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