Suzie Eisfelder
December 10, 2014

Damian shared this jpg this week and it got me thinking.

Thank you to Patricia McLinn for the image

Then I read this article on Amazon and their delivery drones and this article on the future of used ebooks. It got me thinking more, much more.

If you believe the jpg then someone with a writer brain is someone who constantly thinks plot lines or situations found in books in every situation and that’s something I’ve done all my life without even trying. I remember the one time I tried sunbathing on a beach with friends, I was bored, the company was good but they were all reading magazines and I couldn’t concentrate on my book. There was a man sitting on a beach chair facing our general direction with headphones on (this was a long time ago and the headphones included a built-in radio). Suddenly I looked out to sea expecting to see a submarine surfacing, my spy brain was racing and I entertained all these theories as to who the guy was contacting on his headphones and where the microphone was…I shared some of this with my friends and they actually laughed.

The article about the drones had me thinking about a future whereby all small articles are delivered by drone with renegade youths shooting them out of the sky (I was chuffed to find this idea in the comments as well), this is actually a post-apocalyptic scenario in my mind. It would mean there would have to be lots of small warehouses holding this stock as the drones currently only have a 1km radius. But it would be great for delivering drugs and information, imagine if the programme Weeds had a delivery method of drones, that would really change the dynamics.

Or a future with used ebooks. I was picturing shops with no physical or actual stock but pictures and descriptions of the books and then ebooks with doggears and marks where people have marked passages they want to come back to. This would only be a scene in a book as even I can’t manufacture this into a whole book. Or…contraband ebooks! Or…used ebooks delivering drugs…

Somehow I suspect I should put my imagination away for the moment as it’s getting rather too silly for words.

So, what do you see when you read something like this?

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