Suzie Eisfelder
September 18, 2013

Keen eyed readers of this blog might possibly have spotted something different this week, that assumes I have either keen eyed readers or just readers in general. Yes, you guessed it! No posts!! Need some da da dum music here but I haven’t played any kind of music in far too long so you’ll just have to <insert appropriate music here> while I waffle on and don’t give any indication as to why I’ve been remiss and not posted anything on Monday and then no Mondayitis. Need more waffle here, blah, blah, blah. But I do have some lovely photos for Friday photos.

The household has come down with the current version of the virus. Not one of us, not two, but all four of us. I’ve been speculating out loud that we might possibly have achieved a pass mark with this illness but no-one’s bothered to answer me. It’s a grotty illness and the cough is insidious. So far we’ve coughed together, it’s a cacophony of coughs, we’ve coughed separately setting each other off so the noise goes on for ever and then we’ve coughed in harmony. What next with this coughing business!!!! There are times when we feel as if we’re coughing our lungs to bits. The chemist has been very good to us and has had a smile for me every time I’ve crossed their threshold for a remedy for yet another family member, I dread to see their faces when my back is turned. I’ve been there almost every day for a week.

Friday night I was meant to be behaving myself in the Erev Yom Kippur Service (Eve of the Day of Atonement), it’s a very solemn day starting at sundown on the night before. We’re meant to fast for 25 hours but I never do as last time I was very sick and had to call in the doctor so now I’m very nervous and just eat lightly and try not to eat in front of anyone fasting. Friday night I ended up leaving the Service and sleeping in the foyer and after that I gave up any thought of going to Services on Saturday at all.

You don’t want the rest of the gory details so I won’t bore you with them, suffice to say I decided that if I was too sick to eat on Saturday then I probably should take a few days off the blog and Facebook and the computer in general. I did manage to read a lot finishing Sally Morgan’s book My Place so a few words about that will be forthcoming before I give it back and I’m now about half way through a biography of Benny Hill.

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