Suzie Eisfelder
October 22, 2015

Connie Willis, much nominated for many awards and winner of many awards. If you go to her Wikipedia page you’ll see the list of awards she’s been both nominated for and won, it’s extensive so she must be doing something right. It does make me wonder about a book review I glanced at today where the blogger thinks Willis is the worst writer and in order to verify some of the details the blogger has mentioned I’ll absolutely have to read the books in question, Blackout and All Clear. There’s time travel involved and the blogger calls into question Willis’ facts about Bletchley and Alan Turing three things I have a soft spot for so it’ll be interesting to read them and find out for myself. When I finally do read them I’ll post either debunking or supporting the other blog.

The question I’d ask if her if I ever meet her is how she manages to stand up under all those awards. Surely they get a bit heavy.

A bit of a google shows me Willis’ blog, she’s been having problems with injuries. I like her blog writing, it’s very conversation as a blog often is but I enjoy her style. So I read this bit back in July where she was bitten by a bat but everything’s okay, mostly okay….

I was able to go off to the Locus Awards and do my emceeing (which was way fun), and the only thing I have to worry about from the experience is a sudden, overwhelming desire to read the Twilight novels.

She’s apparently good at emceeing and if you get a chance to have to emcee at one of your functions then take it with both hands. From all accounts she’s funny and entertaining. One time she said ‘no’ to presenting the Campbell Award at the Hugos, I’ve linked to it so you can read it all yourself but it’s all about the Hugo Awards debacle this year and how the voting bloc demeans the award.

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