Vale: John Ryan creator of Captain Pugwash

Suzie Eisfelder

I’ve just heard the news today of the passing of John Ryan, the creator of the fabulous Captain Pugwash, at the age of 88. It was while he was teaching art at Harrow School in the north west suburbs of London that he first drew Captain Pugwash as a comic strip. He had a bit of a stop-start with Captain Pugwash and eventually animated him in real time with cardboard levers. I found a very good obituary here, it seems to be the only one that gives decent detail.

I absolutely adored Captain Pugwash when I was young, both the books and the TV series. I loved them so much I had to buy the books to sell, but only when I see them and that isn’t often. I currently have two on the website: Captain Pugwash and the Pigwig and; Pugwash and the Ghost Ship. I do recommend them for old and young alike, they have a naive innocence about them.

Vale John Ryan. We will miss you and your talent.

  1. I loved watching Captain Pugwash as a kid. Rest in Peace John Ryan. You entertained many children over many years.

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