Suzie Eisfelder
July 2, 2012

Earlier this month I posted about the problems I’d been having with my discount code and the set backs I’d received in trying to fix them. I talked about needing to upgrade plugins and as part of the process needing to do a backup. Things have moved on, I’ve solved my backup problems, there were only three, and backups now work like a charm. I’ve upgraded WordPress and have been working through upgrading the plugins which includes the all-important shopping cart, this last is proving intransigent and I’ve had to ask for help again. It looks like it’s working until you try to put in your postcode to get a quote for postage at which point you can send out a search party to no avail, it just ain’t there. I put my request for help in on Saturday night and will now have to wait until Monday morning US time to even find out where I am in the queue. I’m sure it’ll only take them five minutes and then I’ll be able to check everything out before moving back to the problem of the discount codes. With the magic of the internet I’m able to add in an update here before I even publish! They replied by Sunday morning my time and that little problem is fixed! Now I’m moving on to another problem and I’ve had to ask for help again, I’m hoping it’s a simple fix but it seems I need an API Key for the AusPost plugin before it’ll work. It’s been quite a saga and I’m not going to write it up.

I’ve been working far too hard on so many things outside this business that on Friday I completely forgot to scribble a few words for publication. The good news is that in the past two weeks I’ve successfully passed two deadlines and after the last lot of deadlines this week I will have less pressure so will be working hard on my writing and listing books for sale both here and on eBay. I will have finished all my study and will be resisting everyone’s attempts to get me into any further study for at least a couple of months.

Sisters can be very persuasive. My eldest one has talked me into setting up a stall with her at some markets during the year. I was never going to do another one but having company will make things easier and she is selling the best Ginger Ale so I’ll be able to have a lovely drink to inspire me. The first one we’re doing together is at Elwood on the 4th August. I’ll be bringing a selection of books and part-work magazines with the aim of selling at low prices, I don’t want to bring them home again. Might even wear my hat!

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