June 4, 2010

It’s been an interesting week and I don’t want to repeat them. What with the funeral of a close family member, followed very closely by a migraine and then the brain fog set in for 24 hours, everything’s back to what passes for normal in the Suz’s Space world and I’m determined to do something useful tonight.

Two and three dimensional characters were described by E. M. Forster in his book Aspects of the novel, as being either flat or round. With two dimensional being flat and three dimensional being round.

You can see me actively demonstrating two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) in this video.

Three dimensional characters experience character arc whereby they begin the story with a particular viewpoint and as they move through the events of the story they develop a different viewpoint.

Let’s take Smallville for example. Each of the main characters progress into their comic book identities that we have known and loved/hated from totally different beginnings. Lex Luthor starts off being incredibly nice and I was quite surprised when I saw that as the Lex Luthor I know from my childhood was ruthless. Smallville tracks this change and this character arc shows us how well written and three dimensional he is.

Two dimensional characters do not experience character arc. Harry Potter has the same viewpoint throughout the series. He is still the same person at the end of the story as he was the end beginning. He says that he’s just a normal person but he never acts like one. He always acts as if he is the saviour and the only one who can deal with the situation.

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