Suzie Eisfelder
May 23, 2013

Blogger is sued

Jeffrey Beall is a blogger who keeps track of those publishers who have been less than ethical and have taken money to say articles have been published, it’s not entirely clear if those articles have actually been published and are available for purchase or viewing but it’s indicated that they aren’t. One of those publishers is now sueing for $1m. Beall has kept clear records so it’s going to be an interesting court case. Not sure yet whether this is going to go ahead in the US or India. It will certainly be something worth following.

The Complete Uncle

A series of books written by J. P. Martin and Sir Quentin Blake and published in the 1960s and 1970s will be republished thanks to a crowdfunding through Kickstarter. There will be lots of new material and old illustrations. Instead of paying $USD1702 for pre-loved copies you’ll soon be able to buy the whole set for only £37 plus postage.

Qantas has bespoke books

Qantas has decided to get on board with reading during flights and has had some books published which are designed to be read on the plane. They expect you should finish the book just as you touch down at the other end of your journey. Not sure if I’ll get to try these out the next time I fly Qantas as it seems to be for their members from Bronze to Platinum and I don’t think I qualify.

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