Suzie Eisfelder
September 12, 2012

You know those days when you have no idea what day it is and then when you’re told you just can’t find anything to write about? Well, I’m having one of those days.

All last night I thought today was Squid Ink day and that continued till about 9 this morning when Squid Ink corrected me and I used a couple of swear words, turned around and started trying to find something to write about. I found nothing, or at least nothing I could write about today. I did find that Agatha Christie was born on the 15th of September in 1890 so on Saturday we should be celebrating her 122nd birthday, and I spoke to lots of people on both Twitter and Facebook including getting a firm promise of a guest post when she finds time to write it.

I could do another book review but I’ve been doing a lot of them lately and I do like to mix things up. I suspect I’m just overwhelmed with my new business venture and the time of the year, it would be nice to take a few days off to get my head around everything but I can’t see that happening.

One thing I’d really like to complain about is the amount of books I have in stock. I’ve managed to either sell or donate around 16 boxes of books in the last few weeks, I have another 10 waiting to be checked and delivered back to the owner but I’ve already taken them out  and you can’t tell the difference, the piles of boxes are still massive. This is one reason I’m giving up books…sounds like I’m giving them up for Lent.

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