Suzie Eisfelder
July 15, 2011

I don’t often have guest posts but I was thrilled when this one came in.  It’s exactly the type of thing I’d like to have written and I’m delighted to share this with you.


I don’t think I could ever have enough books.  I love them.  I love their look and their feel.  I love their smell whether it’s the freshness of the new or the heady scent of time.  I close my eyes and they transport me to new places before I’ve even read the words.

My bookcase is huge and wild.  Its shelves are deep and hold more than one layer of books.  Some are piled on top of each other while others are lined up in front of them.  When I pull out a book from the row there is another one peeping out shyly from behind.  They are assembled in a random scattering of titles.  I love it that way.  I don’t want to go to a shelf and know that it holds books on art or business.  I want to explore and be surprised at the gems I find sharing the space.

I admit that my books are a little feral.  They don’t seem to stay in the place I park them.  They turn up on whatever shelf they feel like sitting for the day.  Some books have a more outgoing nature than others and they are the ones that delight in teasing me.

Yes, I think books have personality like we do.  Have you ever felt attracted to a book even without knowing what it’s about?  I have and that’s how I’ve stumbled across some of my favourites.

My bookcase bulges with my hardcover and paperback friends.  To me it pulses with life and I can feel its energy filling the space.

And then there’s what happens when you open the covers.   But’s that’s another story.

Anne Maybus of Clever Streak is a writer who specialises in writing for small businesses.  She also loves creative writing and often lets her pen take control of the words just so she can see what might end up on the page.

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