July 6, 2010

Tuesday Tuesday is hosted by Miz B over at Should Be Reading.

This book is all about blogs and how to make money from them. I’m not reading a fiction book at the moment so I’m going to be a bit silly and give you my Teaser Tuesday from this one. I’m almost finished so I’ll be able to review it in a day or two and then have something less non-fictional for next Tuesday. The full title is Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income. Now, I’m going to be content with getting a four-figure income from my blog or blogs if I manage to start another one but the info is still useful.

“Go to Google and type in virtually any word you can think of, and you’ll often find millions of results. The interesting thing is that for most search results in Google (and other search engines) there is very little for readers to go by in deciding which result to click on.”

Very illuminating, I’m sure.

    1. The rest of the book is really helpful. I’m going to have to reread it the correct way…in front of the computer so I can stop and do all the exercises.

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