Suzie Eisfelder
February 24, 2017

A couple of days ago I retweeted (and therefore shared on Facebook, yes, I’ve made that automatic) a competition, now closed. In this competition Amy spent a little time looking at her blogging over the last four years and being happy about the progress she’s made with her writing. She feels she’s less stream of consciousness and more planned. That’s a good thing, but it made me reflect how after almost eight years I’m still mostly stream of consciousness. That’s just how I write and it’s really hard trying to make my brain and writing change to fit structures such as when I’m writing a critical essay for uni, or when I’m trying something new.

In that light I have a few articles that seemed to fit together last night when I looked at them. I’m not convinced they have any connection other than books in the morning light but here we go anyway.

Toy Fair 2017: Toy Stores Seek Books for Themed Displays this article piqued my interest and made me understand why there were publishing stands at the toy fairs I’ve visited. Don’t bother with the comments, the first is vaguely relevant but the other two are just spam.

Obituary: Dick Bruna the link here is that there have been a lot of Miffy toys to back up the books so when you’re at the toy shop you’ll buy both toys and books for your kids. Vale Bruna

New ‘Power Rangers’ Trailer Features Zords And More I don’t like the Power Rangers I’ve seen on TV, things just don’t ring true to me, but this trailer looks really good and explains how they start as normal people and get their powers. At a quick glance there also seems to be a decent multicultural mix, unless there are two white people. And there will be a new range of toys and books to supplement the income made from the movie.

Interesting how there actually seems to be some kind of connection between these links. Or maybe I’ve just made connections where there are none, that’s part of stream of consciousness. One of the good things about writing as I do is that I get a lot written but when writing essays or for magazines I do tend to throw out the first couple of paragraphs as they’re absolute rubbish and just getting the brain warmed up. Many people use this technique to start their writing and if I was planning these thoughts I’d actually go and research to be able to name drop, but…no, I’m not doing that.


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