Suzie Eisfelder
March 16, 2015

You’re probably looking at the title of this article and wondering what’s happening what’s happening in the Star Trek Universe and what exciting movie/book spin off/ merchandise is available now. This is not really official Trekkie stuff but some unofficial fan movie type stuff. They’re at the end of their Kickstarter campaign and would like more support.

They emailed me as their rewards are more for writers as you put in your money and then write up your story outline. This would be a fabulous chance for someone who has some ideas but don’t think they would be heard by the big studios. Have a look at their website to get some idea of what they’re about and then take a trip over to their Kickstarter campaign to put your money down.

I see this as being a great training ground for people to then springboard onto bigger things. Just like Channel 31 which has proved to be the springboard for some famous names such as Hamish and Andy I see Star Trek Anthology doing the same for other people in the future.

If you’ve got a Star Trek idea in your head get on over to Kickstarter and get the process started. You never know where it will lead.

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