Suzie Eisfelder
March 7, 2012

I’ve read a lot about business and I’ve been in a lot of forums, they all say my type of business is perfect for social media; I’m not about to disagree with them. I do happen to like talking and like telling people things but I’m supposed to be in the business of selling books. I currently have this blog which should bring readers in and hopefully have them spill out onto the right side of the page when they see the categories and explore, that’s the logic. I also talk on Twitter and have a Facebook page; while I also have a Google+ profile I haven’t done anything with that.

I’ve decided I’m going to change things somewhat. At present I have Twitter and the Facebook page set up so that anything I post on one goes straight through to other which means if you follow me on Twitter and like/friend me on Facebook you see the same thing twice. I’m going to change that. I’m going to separate them and use the Facebook page as an archive of interesting articles I want to read that may be of interest to others and to discuss points of grammar or interesting typos. Twitter will be used for connecting with people, should you feel you want longer conversations you can connect with me on Facebook or send me an email.

Apologies to those people who’ve been seeing the same thing multiple times. It will change. I’m afraid I won’t change, I’ll still talk a lot.

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