Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson

Suzie Eisfelder

Oh, man, how do I review this book? I think the first thing I have to say about it is it would make a fantastic game. It has lots of action, lots of detective work, lots of history which has our hero has to know in order to figure everything out, it also has lots of discussions on religion.

So, there are two worlds in this book, the real world and the metaverse or virtual reality. Our hero is called Hiro Protaganist and is part Black and part Japanese, his nemesis, Raven, was Aleut. The father’s of both of these men were caught up in the backlash of the atomic bombs in World War Two which changed their DNA so that they were both stronger, faster, with better reflexes and smarter than the rest of the world. Raven was a homicidal maniac, Hiro was the only one who could face him everyone else just ran. Hiro was a wiz with the computer and got into the metaverse on the ground floor, he wrote a lot of the programming.

The real baddie is L. Bob Rife who’s discovered a virus and is planning on taking over the world with it. I can’t say too much about it as it’ll give the whole book away but I can say there’s a lot of religion involved and if you know anything about today’s religions you should be very, very scared.

Sex scenes
Lots of swearing
Lot of violence and some of reasonably graphic

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