Suzie Eisfelder
May 18, 2016

With my last class being Thursday next week and five assignments due in between now and Monday week I sort of have a few things to do. If need be I will ditch all social media for the duration and that includes my blog. I’ll catch up on any Author by Alphabet I’ve missed in June, bearing in mind I’ve only four more letters to go.

Of those five assignments I have started them all. The one due in next Monday is actually complete, I’d just like to go through that one more time. It’s the written submission for the presentation I had to give and I’ve got my results for the presentation and that’s somewhere around a Distinction. But having thought about it while writing this paragraph I think I’ll just send it in and have it out of my mind. Something I did two weeks ago but last week I discovered I’d uploaded it to the wrong area, meaning it won’t count. I’m off to do that now so I can concentrate on the other four assignments.

You remember that assignment I mentioned? The one on the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad? I have my mark back and while I passed I wasn’t a spectacular mark but 59% is a pass and if I can keep that up then I won’t need to redo the subject. Some of the comments made me realise what I need to do to bring my mark up. My tutor mentioned the accent I’d used and if that I hadn’t justified that in my critical essay. That’s a mea culpa moment, and when I review all the resources I used I find there is no justification for it. I’d suggest either I find more resources so I can quote them and back up my use of accent or drop the accent entirely.

And that 1,500 words with the prompt Memory as Seed? I got 75%. I’m so excited I haven’t been able to do more than look at the mark. I figure that’s a good mark for me as a first year and gives me ample room for improvement.

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