Suzie Eisfelder
April 22, 2015

So, as of today I’ve now been blogging for six years. It’s been an interesting journey and I’ve watched myself acquire various skills, some better than others.

My writing has improved. It’s not super duper fabulous but it’s better than it was. My confidence level about my writing is at an all time high and I’ve found myself much more able to write. The act of forcing myself to write five days a week by a certain time of day means I’ve had to improve and be able to sit and write even when I don’t feel like it. Whether this will translate to being able to write fiction is a point I have yet to find out and I’m not ready for that at this point.

I have ideas and I’ve been writing most of them down so I can’t forget them but whether I’ll actually be able to follow through to produce a competent story is something for the future. What we’re being taught in both English and English Language is blowing my mind and increasing my skills. I’ll find out at the end of the year whether I’ve picked up enough skills to pass but at the very least I’ll have more skills and a greater understanding of English.

I’d like you to share this anniversary with me and I’m giving away a 12 month digital subscription to Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, available world wide but you’ll need to do one of three things to enter. Everything you need to know is below. Entries are already open and close at midnight on the 27th April 2015.

Edited: Adding in the method of choosing. This time I think I’ll let Rafflecopter do all the randomisation and choose a winner for me.

sixth anniversary random
Sample of the print editions of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (ASIM) you are competing for.

I’ve mentioned ASIM several times before but to bring you up-to-speed here is a link to one of my articles. If you want to read more on my blog I suggest you put Andromeda into the search engine as putting in ASIM brings up lots of words about Isaac Asimov.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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