Suzie Eisfelder
July 17, 2013

Yes, I’m jumping on the Rowling bandwagon. I know what I’ve said about J.K. Rowling and her writing on previous days, that her writing is okay but her characters are two dimensional and I’ll continue to stand by that until I manage to read her most recent works, A Casual Vacancy and The Cuckoo’s Calling, under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith, at which point I’ll either reiterate or talk about her improved writing. I do suspect she’s better at writing for adults so I look forward to reading both of these books. I’ve been following the story of her unmasking and it occurred to me to try and look at reviews written prior to this when people thought it was a first time novel, I know reviews were positive but I’m struggling to find many.

Nilima Marshall wrote in The Northern Echo on the 13th May “demonstrates superb flair as a mystery writer in his debut novel.” and used the words “gripping tale”.

On the Homeport Blog on the 14th April “Well written, well paced mystery, with a believable and likeable character in Strike. I am hoping to read more of him in the future.”

And Ayo Onatade in Shots Crime & Thriller Ezine on an undisclosed date it talks about it being a “good debut novel with an excellent protagonist in Strike. However, if there is one thing that put a dampener on this debut novel is the fact that there is a tad too much repetition of information” but Onatade looks forward to reading more.

And if you’re a sucker for punishment there’s many multiple reviews on GoodReads. I only read a handful and they all seem to say the same thing, Galbraith has talent and looks to be more proficient at writing than a debut novel normally shows.

I’ll reserve judgement until I read the book myself and will be trying very hard to forget Rowling wrote the book until I scribble a few words about it.

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