Suzie Eisfelder
January 4, 2016

We did our normal and went away for a few days, and as normal I didn’t tell you and just kept the writing rolling…the wonders of wifi internet. If you follow me on Facebook you might have noticed a drop off of sharing but only if you weren’t totally involved in the festive season.

Our holidays this time involved Port Fairy. It’s a lovely place along the southern coast of Victoria, a little east of Portland with a vibrant art/craft community…so vibrant there’s a Art Map of Port Fairy you can pick up or view on the web so you can choose where to go first. There’s all sorts of places including glass blowing, jewellery and photography. Some of it is mind blowing in its intricacy.

When I’ve sorted through my photos I’ve got some awesome artwork to show you, much of which really needs to be seen in situ in order to see it properly. I’ve got photos of bookshops and books and also photos of birds, we took a brief visit to Tower Hill again and took more photos of emus, because it’s impossible to have enough photos of emus.

We also took the walking tour of the town so I’ll regale you with some of the history of the area on Wednesday, there’s some similarity to Portland and it’s possible to see that in the architecture. It’s only about an hour’s drive from Portland which might go some way to explaining that.

But, for the moment I’ll let you get on with your day. I hope you’re enjoying all the new year has to offer.

    1. Lovely to meet you too! Thank you for letting me include business cards for the Klatch in your Terry Pratchett books, my committee was most happy with that today!

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