Suzie Eisfelder
March 5, 2015

Researching which author to showcase is always an interesting exercise. Today it meant looking through some of my pulp fiction magazines and finding three possible names: Lawrence A Perkins; Arthur Porges and; John T Phillifent. I eventually settled on Phillifent and has authored three of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. books so I was able to take a photo of those three books for you.

Frederick Pohl, himself a celebrated science fiction author, credits Phillifent with a comprehensive definition of science fiction and you don’t get much better than having Pohl think you’re wonderful.

Phillifent has had numerous short stories and novels published under his own name and a large number published under his pen name of Arthur Rackham.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. by John T. Phillifent
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. by John T. Phillifent

I’m going to digress before I sign off for today. If you look carefully at the front covers of the books in the photo and age the men in your mind you might possibly recognise them. I did a google and discovered they’re in the middle of a remake with Hugh Grant as Mr Waverly, the mind boggles and I’m sure it won’t be anywhere near as good as the TV series from the 1960s.

So, you’re looking at Robert Vaughn and David McCallum, who have recently appeared in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and NCIS respectively. Awesome work!

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