Suzie Eisfelder
April 15, 2014

I found the three little pigs most unfriendly. I was so hungry and they wouldn’t let me into their houses.

They built lovely looking houses but I was just soooo hungry. The first little pig built a house of straw thinking that would keep me out but he was so wrong, I huffed and I puffed and that house blew down so quickly. The little pig ran off so quickly I couldn’t catch him, it didn’t help that I was rather puffed from huffing and puffing. He twinkled off on his little toes to the house made of sticks.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but they wouldn’t do anything for the hunger gnawing at my innards. I think I’ll just follow that little pig to the house made of sticks.

Little pig, little pig, let me come in. If you don’t let me come in and feed me I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!

What I’m not telling the little pigs is what I plan on eating when I’ve blown this little house of sticks down. They wouldn’t let me so I’m huffing and puffing some more.

I’m getting really huffed and puffed out with this little house. It seems to be ever so much more sturdy than the house made of straw. Just give me a hand here and give me a little more puff…thank you, that was ever so useful.

Why ever did they do that? Both little pigs ran so fast to the last little house made of bricks and I was so huffed out I just could not catch them.

Here I go again.

Little pig, little pig, let me come in. If you don’t let me come in and feed me I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!

So I’m calling again at this lovely little house. It’s looking much more sturdier than the house of straw and the house of sticks put together. You’ll need to give me some more huff and puff than before.

What!! You won’t help me this time!!! What sort of an audience are you??? I’ll just do it on my own, I coped fine with the house made of straw.

So I huffed, and I puffed and I huffed and puffed again but that house just wouldn’t come down. The three little pigs were secure inside the house. Aha! The chimney! I’ll just sashay over to that there chimney and climb down the inside.

Aaaoooooooooooooooooooo!!! I’m burned, why did they put a fire in the chimney??? Don’t they know chimneys are for going down and not for starting fires. I’m off to find some food somewhere else. Maybe that little girl is still taking trips through the forest to her Grandma.

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