Suzie Eisfelder
June 18, 2014

Yesterday I had Mondayitis and didn’t manage to get Mondayitis written, strange how that happens as yesterday was Tuesday. Instead I’m writing Mondayitis today, I have the next few articles sitting in my head waiting to be written down so long as I don’t get Mondayitis again this should be an interesting week.

A slight introduction to Mondayitis today before I head into writing. If you look carefully at the photo of the book and think about NCIS you might possibly recognise him.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: The Monster Wheel Affair by David McDaniel
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: The Monster Wheel Affair by David McDaniel

There I am, all set up to take photos of dawn in the Indian Ocean when that man distracts my user. I was very much looking forward to seeing the dawn, we’ve heard it’s a very pretty sight but that man distracted her and instead she used me to take photos of that manmade volcano. At least she took as many photos as the film had before we were unceremoniously thrown onto the smaller boat, I landed underneath my user so was protected but it made it hard to see events. From their conversation it sounded as if the larger boat exploded…not fussed, I was okay, my film was good too and all our photos I’d taken were safe.

The remainder of our trip to dry land was uneventful with my user taking full advantage of me to take as many photos as possible as a reminder of life in a small boat. All my work before we got into the small boat was lost, I am bereft, they were like my children. There were photos of Perth and many other places. I shouldn’t be too sad but I am. I am consoled that all my lenses were with me and my user when we landed in the small boat and enough unexposed films to use in the small boat. I will mourn my other films in private…no-one listens to a camera.

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