Suzie Eisfelder
December 9, 2014

Lewie is so good and I was so bad. I just couldn’t stay still on the bottom of the pyramid until…

Those men were bad news, Lewie knew it right from the start. Stopping them wasn’t going to happen it was how Lewie coped that was the issue.

Us lambs followed the titbits and ate, they were so nice but we didn’t know we were being taken into somewhere dark. Lewie woke up, followed the trail and found us. He got knocked out being thrown into the dark so all us lambs snuggled up to him to keep him warm. It was a big comfort to us being so close to him.

When he woke up we couldn’t get out. Suddenly Liberty and Ginger spoke from outside. Liberty is a wonderful escape artist but couldn’t reach to get us out, she talked us into trying a pyramid but I was so worried I couldn’t stay still. Lewie bent down and whispered into my ear,

You’re the best, Berties, my one and only anchor-lamb – and we need you. We’re a team, remember? In it to win it! I believe in you, Bertie.

That did it, we were able to make the pyramid and get ourselves out of the dark. We got back to our mothers and slept well. The next day we competed, did such a brilliant job we got more points than is possible! How could that be? We won, that’s all that matters. Couldn’t have done it without Lewie and his unshakable faith in me and my abilities. We were in it and we won it!

Llama Drama: In it to win it! by Rose Impey
Llama Drama: In it to win it! by Rose Impey

Ed: Loved this book. It’s all about being a team and having faith in one’s abilities. Booktopia have it for sale.

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