Suzie Eisfelder
May 30, 2011

Saturday night I took my family to the St Kilda Film Festival. They’ve been showing Australia’s 100 Top Short Films. The Little Bookroom happened to mention they were going to this particular session to see a book turned into a movie. I knew I had to see this particular movie.

Based on the book There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake by Hazel Edwards and directed by my cousin I knew I had to see it. It’s one book that was a favourite in our family. When the kids were looking for me I’d tell them I was on the roof eating cake, it made things interesting.

The movie was wonderful, just not long enough. The story is about the hippo on the roof and Zoe who is nine and is growing up. It is very gently suggested that she might be too old for an imaginary friend, she considers this fairly carefully and then rejects the idea. The hippo is gorgeous.

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