Suzie Eisfelder
April 27, 2016

Because I’m stretched for time (when am I not?) I’m not doing anything in particular today. I’ve got a presentation tomorrow for my Communication tute with my topic being the Future of Games, it’s taken up too much of my time as my memory has challenges. The research I did early on I’ve forgotten so I’m grateful I’d made a file with all the articles and page numbers so it was easy to go back.

I have learned a lot about me and the way I need to work in order to work more efficiently just with this assignment. I need to remember my memory sucks and to document everything in one file so I can refer back to it, the fact that I also need this for referencing as we’re doing Harvard Referencing is good. I’ve learned that reading my writing aloud helps to figure out if I’m missing things or if things need to be written in a different order. It’s going to be interesting when I’ve got a book that needs to be read aloud for that purpose, it’ll take awhile.

With another assignment I discovered I needed to print the work out in order to edit it. So that’s another useful tip for me. That one I cut up into paragraphs so I could change the order more easily. I’m now waiting rather impatiently to see the comments from my teacher, I’m curious about the mark as well but I want the comments more.

I’ve discovered that where I used to have trouble looking at or listening to comments I’m now eagerly awaiting them. I used to see them as negative but now I want to find out what they are so I can incorporate them into my writing and improve. It’s interesting to see how I’ve turned 180º on this matter. If I ever get reviewed I’ll be interested to see how I react.

Classic book characters on Social Media

Some fabulous artwork here. Have a look at the one with Frodo using Google maps. There was a time if you used Apple maps you’d be totally lost.

Tilda Swinton!

She’s spending a few words talking about the change of the Ancient One in Doctor Strange. You might remember her as the White Witch in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

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