Suzie Eisfelder
April 16, 2012

Not really, just trying desperately to catch up after the rush of Passover. I’m getting there with some things but others I’m still way behind. I’m meant to have finished module 8 of my current studies by last Saturday and I’m still part way through module 7. I have some special stuff coming this week. Tomorrow is a special Mondayitis (aren’t they all special?) then I have an idea for an article which some people might find familiar as it’s heavily based on a conversation I had on Twitter last week, after that is the regular Squid Ink. Friday may or may not happen. Part of my studies this weekend included doing a Powerpoint presentation and I chose to focus on a segment of the business, it looks like something that could be of interest, if I can figure out how to work that into an article I will. With all of that foreshadowed I must now go back to my studies and attempt to finish module 7. Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye and be grateful you can’t hear me singing.

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