Suzie Eisfelder
December 26, 2011

I have this love/hate relationship with Amazon.  The hate part is mostly by heresay, I have nothing to substantiate the information I’ve been given but it deals with the amount of money the publisher and author receive from the sale of new books.  I’ve heard it’s not terribly much and makes it hard for them to make a living, on the other hand, a lot of authors have to write in their spare time as it’s really hard to sell enough books to make a living from writing. The love is a totally different matter.

While browsing the web today I found a website dedicated to the self-published author or to those who are published by small indie press (small independent publishers). These people don’t have a large marketing budget and will do a lot of their marketing online using social media. This website is designed to help them by being a one stop shop for all your needs.  It’s a small fee and you can list your books for sale (this is powered by Amazon) as well as having your own page. They will tweet about it and mention it on Facebook so you get lots of exposure. It’s a great place for readers to discover and support new authors.

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