Suzie Eisfelder
October 13, 2014
Lies by Michael Grant
Lies by Michael Grant

This is the third book in the Gone series, I will finally get through them all.

In Lies we find out what happened to Brittany, the girl who can’t die, and we find out more details of how hard it is to impose laws.

As with the other books I loved the creation and the writing but it is still very much Lord of the Flies and I have an issue with the cover. I’m assuming these are Sam and Astrid but they could very well be another couple such as Caine and Diana but they look way too clean and healthy. In this book Grant takes great pains to tell us how challenging it is to get oneself and one’s clothes clean in salt water, apparently the salt dries on the clothes and they itch (I’m sure you all know that itch). Grant also details the challenges involved in feeding all the kids, The Hunter tells us about his hunting, Quinn talks about fishing and we learn about the added challenges of harvesting vegies that arose in Hunger, all of which make it harder to eat properly and would make people start to look thin and malnourished. So why does this gorgeous young couple continue to look gorgeous, clean and healthy?

Apart from all of this, Grant is moving things on quite nicely. I won’t give you the details but I keep making guesses as to what is likely to happen at the end. Will the wall disappear for good and everyone get back to their families? Will the people stranded on the islands be rescued? Oh yes, the islands…I’d quite forgotten there might have been islands there and this caused me to chuckle when it was revealed who owned and lived on one island. It was quite obvious from the outset this was meant to be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their menagerie of adopted children, only the adopted children don’t seem as grateful as they should be.

This book is quite dark as is the whole series, I’m not waiting for it to get easier to deal with emotionally and I do intend to read the other three books as soon as I can as they’re easier to deal with than The Hunger Games. At the library next week I’ll endeavour to get the next book and then with each successive visit the other two books but I won’t review each of them individually, at this point I’ll wait and talk about the series as a whole. Each book is as good as the last and each book has its good points and bad but I won’t discuss them individually again.

You can buy this book here. Yes, I get paid every time you buy a book using this link and I appreciate each and every single one.

    1. It’s a great series of books, lots of imagination happening. Thanks, I’ll keep the group posted as to how it works.

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