Suzie Eisfelder
October 18, 2013

I’ve been back for a few weeks and have been rather disorganised with regards to writing for the blog but it is now time to become organised again. It seems my migraines are back and I won’t know until I wake up if I’m going to be able to get out of bed. What it meant for yesterday is that I got out of bed, took my medication and then went back to bed, by the time I got to the computer it was far too late to consider writing anything so Thursday went unnoticed and unremarked. I’d like to think the article I was planning for yesterday will be published on Monday but that probably won’t happen as Armageddon is this weekend and there is bound to be something to talk about next week so I’ll put my thoughts onto the screen for this article and it’ll be ready when I need it.

In the meantime I’ve got a few photos for you.

Op Shop Murrumbeena
This is a random photo of books in the window of an op shop in Murrumbeena. I took it a couple of days ago so the books are possibly still available.
Print on Demand machine
Here we have a prime example of a Print on Demand machine, it came along with a shelf of books which had been printed from it, they looked quite good. No negative or positive comments today about it. It was in a bookshop in Boston.
Second hand bookshop Boston
I found this quite interesting, the shop had taken covers from books and stuck them up as decoration. I didn’t ask but sincerely hope the books were beyond repair. Another bookshop in Boston, or possibly the same one as the Print on Demand machine.
Boston flat platform
I found this quite interesting. We took a couple of trains in Boston and when we got out of one train we found we could walk on the train tracks to cross to the other platform and get out of the station. It seemed quite civilised.

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