Suzie Eisfelder
October 9, 2015
My friend Death
My friend Death

One of the things I get up to in my ‘spare’ time is the Victorian Discworld Klatch. We hold functions every month and Death turns up for as many as possible. Death is also the door troll and greets you as you come up the drive or enter.

Just one or two romance books
Just one or two romance books

I ended up attending a house a while ago to look at some books with a view to taking some away with me, I took most of the non-romance but there were still about 20 boxes of romance. If you see something you like let me know as the person who now has them is selling.

Some loot!
Some loot!

These are the books I managed to snaffle, the ones that weren’t romance. I added them to my To Be Read Pile and along with the ones I’ll show you another week take my Pile to about my eye height…I think I have a problem.

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