Suzie Eisfelder
September 11, 2015

Some beauty and some practical stuff today.

Bahai Gardens
Bahai Gardens in Haifa

These are the Bahai Gardens in Haifa. They are just beautiful, lots of hard work and thought has gone into making these gardens. As we entered everyone was stopped and given instructions in the language of our choice, either Hebrew or English, but I forget them now. The gardens are symmetrical and we were only allowed into the top two levels.

Israeli power point
Israeli power point

Just because you need to see an Israeli power point, there is a point to this photo. You’ll notice there is a raised section around the three slots and our adaptor is square…don’t buy the square adaptor.

Oil Press
Olive Oil Press

At the Church of the first Feeding of the Multitude we were introduced to these two stone beauties, you can find a better photo on this website where they explain more about olive oil pressing than I can.

Other Oil Press
Olive Oil Press
Please Don't Enter Food and Drinks
Not sure why the food and drinks aren’t allowed into the gift shop.
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