Suzie Eisfelder
September 4, 2015

I’d like to tell you I’m running out of photos of Israel for you but I suspect I’d be lying.

Closed shops in The Old City
Closed shops in The Old City

The Old City in Jerusalem has so many little shops in it. It’s really hard to see where one finishes and another ends so I took this opportunity to take photos of the outside of some closed shops. Some of the shops were totally outside as if someone had enterprise and just started selling outside without having the rights to sell, others opened up and displayed lots of wares outside.


This appeared on the computer, not sure why as the Free Bonus Issue is from Septebmer 2004 (or possibly September, but who am I to make fun of someone else’s typo?).


I loved this spelling of Cider. It goes back to an article I wrote a month ago on languages. There are two consonants in Hebrew with the same sound and if you’re not proficient in English it’d be quite easy to take both of them and mix up the English letters.

Fabulous signs
Fabulous signs

Really loved these signs. The second one harks back to the article I wrote about War and Israel, at times we visit despite the country being at war. And what I didn’t mention there is that the Jewish schools in Australia have guards outside, as do our synagogues.

  1. There was an old lady from Clyde
    Who ate a green apple and died
    The apple fermented
    Inside the lamented
    And made cider in sider inside

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