Suzie Eisfelder
August 28, 2015
Bookshelf, aptly named shop in Jerusalem
Bookshelf, aptly named shop in Jerusalem

Wish I’d had time to actually go inside this bookshop with its lovely name but we were on tour at that point and I didn’t want to hold people up. It looked very lovely.

I was taken by this coffee cup
I was taken by this coffee cup

We saw a few of these coffee cups dotted around the place, a bit like the big M signs we see here but hopefully better. I did the wrong thing and took this photo on the Sabbath, you can see the lack of cars and people in the streets – Jerusalem almost completely shuts down over the Sabbath, most restaurants are kosher and therefore not allowed to open on these days, it’s an interesting day.

Lift instructions
Lift instructions

I loved these instructions, they’re in formal English and some enterprising person has scratched out the age of the children, not that it mattered as children of all ages were using them with or without adult supervision.


This is a wonderful thing. We saw them scattered throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in all sorts of areas. People were using them as intended and I presume some lucky person gets to come around on a regular basis to empty them. It reminded me of my childhood, we’d store newspapers for ages and when the boot of the car could be completely filled Dad and I would fill it up and take them down to the recycling plant where we could then push them through the chute…we sometimes saw someone else doing the same.

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