Suzie Eisfelder
February 1, 2012

I neglected to mention you needed to post a comment on this blog in order to be entered into the competition so I’ve had to be rather liberal about where the entries were posted. All the entries were fabulous and it took some time to pick one. MinzBeads has managed to sneak in more than one and picked them from several different age groups so the prize is yours. All I need is a mailing address. Congratulations!


Racking my brains for an absolute favourite but I can’t decide. I do recall loving the poetry of AA Milne (When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six), but not the stories so much. Loved a book called The Fortunes of Poppy Treloar when I was about 9 or 10, loved A Little Bushmaid. There were a series of adventure story books by (I think) Willard Price that I devoured at some stage too. Oooh, too many are springing to mind now lol
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