Suzie Eisfelder
October 19, 2015
Circus by Alaistair MacLean
Circus by Alistair MacLean


The US ‘needs’ to get some information about a deadly weapon from Eastern Europe to stop them potentially destroying the world, they enlist Bruno Wildermann of the Wrinfield Circus to help out. Murder and kidnapping dogs his every footstep from day one but he continues…

What I thought

Yes, I have thoughts about this book and should probably share them with you. I thought some of it improbable, the science behind the deadly weapon seemed rather far fetched but as MacLean writes suspense and not science fiction I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. The circus bits were very good with some lovely descriptions of the high-wire trapeze and some doubtful descriptions of the strength of the strong man, I’m sure it’s not possible to hold that many people up at once.

MacLean writes a good suspense, I found myself holding my breath on a few occasions and skipping through the words as fast as possible in order to find out what happened at the end of the scene. I wasn’t impressed with his portrayal of the lone female but it turns out there’s a reason for that and I’d have to reread more of his works to double check if this is one of his trademarks.

Will I reread it?

No, I’m not planning on rereading this book or reading any more MacLean. I’ve read enough of them in my younger days and there was nothing to bring be back to his writing. It’s competent but not brilliant and it illustrates an era in writing suspense.

Just in case you’re a MacLean devotee and don’t have this book here’s the link so you can buy it yourself and earn me squillions of cents (actually only 7.5% but squillions is a much better word).

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