Suzie Eisfelder
December 24, 2015

I think I’m going to enjoy this series of Author by Alphabet. Just having a quick glance at the list of authors I’ve collated brings me to a lovely name and I just had to find out if she was worth writing about, boy, is she ever worth writing about!

Jesse Blackadder is a Sydney chick and it turns out there was a real Blackadder in Scotland, not just the one played by Rowan Atkinson in the programme of the same name, and this one is an ancestor of Jesse Blackadder. While in Scotland Blackadder found the Blackadder estates and from there the story behind her own name. She then used some of this information in her novel, The Raven’s Heart which looks really, really good.

She’s also leading a one week historical fiction course in Scotland next year, it’s a pity bookings are closed for this…not that I have the money to travel to Scotland next year but it’d be awesome!

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