Suzie Eisfelder
October 20, 2014

What a big weekend! I’ve just spent the past two days behind a table publicising the Australian Discworld Convention and converting (corrupting?) people to the goodness and cleverness that is Pterry Pratchett. Armageddon is a wonderfully exciting pop culture convention and the name lends itself to all sorts of puns, some of them are Pratchett in nature and some not. When I mentioned it on Discworld Monthly on Facebook people suggested I remember Ronnie Soak as the fifth horseman of the Apocalypse…there are some things that are very peculiar to Discworld fans.

Stuff on table
This is some of my table. What duck?

It was a massive weekend with lots happening on and around my table as well as other tables, signing booths, photography type stuff and panels. I didn’t make it to a single panel, bearing in mind we had luminaries such as Margot Kidder, Jenna Coleman, Kevin Eastman, Terry Brooks and Robert Rankin I should have at least gone to one of them. I totally missed seeing the signing queues, just looking at the queues is something I love doing…don’t know why. I was introduced to Terry Brooks and had a slight melt down afterwards, I do hope I was sensible while talking to him. Managed to have a handful of words with Robert Rankin and didn’t melt down afterwards!

There were so many costumes, people are so clever. I took lots of photos and when I have a chance later today to look at them all I’ll make some decisions as to the rest of this week. If I have enough photos I might just dedicate this week to Armageddon and celebrating people’s talent. I know I have enough Doctor Who photos and Lords of the Rings but whether I can make things stretch beyond that is something I’ll find out. If I do I’ll be cancelling Mondayitis for this week but if I don’t I have a Deltora Quest which I’ve been planning and that’s highly appropriate.

  1. As you know I’m not a fantasy genre fan so afraid I had to google what Discworld was….

    Sounds like you had a good time though!

    1. At least you googled! I appreciate you took the time for that.

      It was an awesome time, I really enjoy events like that.

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