Suzie Eisfelder
March 3, 2017

Today I have a case of the can’t be bothereds. They say that when you get to that stage on your blog that you should give up but giving it away is what I’m not doing as I know this is just today’s emotions and I’ll be fine on Sunday when I get around to about books for Monday.

It’s almost certainly due to being over-committed and anticipating the start of uni on Monday morning. How do I fit uni in when I’m already totally over-committed? Not sure, but one commitment finishes Sunday week and that is a very big time hole so things will improve from the 13th March.

And I’ve just now received news that I’ve passed step one of gaining access to some archives I need to look at for my book. I’ve been trying for three months but I think my emails were going direct to spam without passing Go. It makes me feel I’ve passed a milestone. In principle I’m allowed access but now comes the negotiation time and this is where it gets interesting. Will I be allowed full access or will they restrict me? I’m guessing they’ll restrict me but we’ll wait and see to find out how much.

I’ll have a guest post coming up soon, it’ll be on a Friday. Marni is more wordy than me when it comes to print but as you’ll find she makes some good points.

My final thought for today is. If 281 words is me when I can’t be bothered then you might want to reconsider coming back when I can be bothered. There’ll be lots more words and they’ll even potentially make sense, but not dollars.

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