Suzie Eisfelder
April 29, 2011

I tend not to worry about birthdays, I do remember my families, but not mine. I don’t celebrate the day I was born and don’t see the need to let others celebrate it either so it came as quite a shock to me this week when I was reviewing some of my old posts here to find I’d missed the second anniversary of my blog.

I started on the 23rd April 2009 with a thank you to the Melbourne Science Fiction Club for a fabulous Minicon. I have been trying to get them to give me a guest post but they are very busy as they hold regular weekly meetings and a Minicon every year. This year it will be on 14th May follow this link for further details.

I’ve had great fun with the blog and I hope my readers have enjoyed themselves as well. I should really have a sale for celebration but as I’ve missed the actual date I’ll announce a sale now to start on the 1st May. If you want any books or part-work magazines everything will have a 20% discount for the month of May. That’s also the date of the first Klatch for Melbourne Discworld fans, more to come of this next week.

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