Words and phrases

Suzie Eisfelder

There are some very interesting words and phrases in English which people use and they’re often used out of context. Here are a few examples and I’m sure you can come up with some more. If you’ve studied English Language you’ll know more than me as these are only the ones I’ve observed.

Yeah no. This is an interesting one and there are a number of different reasons it’s used. I use it when I’m agreeing and disagreeing with different parts of the statement or when I’m answering the question and suddenly realise I’ve answered the wrong way.

An’ that. This is one of my pet peeves. People use it at the end of sentences and they generally don’t realise they’re saying it. I know one person who uses it to finish off whatever she’s saying. It gets old very quickly.

‘Like’ is another one. It’s one of my daughters’ favourite words to hate. Teenagers often use it in the wrong place. They’re not really telling you they like something or that something is like something else, it’s just a filler word.

I mean! I’m constantly catching myself thinking this phrase. It’s always used in context, but if you use it too much it just becomes annoying and I guarantee I use it way too much.

Nothing worse than… This is one of my major bugbears. When someone tells you there’s ‘nothing worse than…’ they’re being fairly specific and not looking at the bigger picture. I’m not quite certain what the worst thing could be but I’ll throw in a few suggestions:

  • Being Stuart Diver and being caught underground and unable to save your wife
  • Being caught in Concepion during the earthquake
  • Being caught in Indonesia during the Box Day Tsunami
  • I would have to say that having food caught between your teeth pales compared to any of these.

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