Website updates

Suzie Eisfelder

Well, things are certainly a lot better now. The website problems seem to have resolved themselves very nicely and I’m able to upload books. I’ve managed to solve the problem of the banner and it is now clickable so it takes you back to the home page and I’ve also solved some search engine problems so that the urls now have the title of the book and name of the author in them. The problem now is with the wifi. It’s just not consistent and today I’ve had five minutes of internet access interspersed with half an hour of non-internet access. I’ve partially solved this problem by typing up my books and getting everything ready offline ready to be quickly pasted into the listing in the five minutes I have online before the wifi decides it doesn’t want to work. It’s unwieldly and I can’t research prices until I get back online, but it does work and I’m getting books listed a few at a time.

Today, in the few minutes of internet access I had I’ve managed to list a couple of fabulous autobiographies: Journey From Venice by Ruth Cracknell and Cleared For Take-Off by Dirk Bogarde. I’ve also listed a couple of cookbooks and a literary classic: Three Men In a Boat by Jerome K Jerome.

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