Website problems

Suzie Eisfelder

More delays. This was going to be about something to do with books. I’ve started a blog about Tom Holt and I’ve also just received an email about the voting for the favourite books of all time by Borders so I was planning on writing about that. Unfortunately, events have taken over so I’m going to just say a few words about the website. Things were going well and I was working through each step and progressing nicely…until a few minutes ago when I managed to delete a large number of files. Unfortunately it was before I’d taken my first backup so I’ve just emailed my webhost with a plea for help and I hope he is able to install it all again for me and I’ll be able to start again. This means it’ll be at least another week before everything is sorted and I’m able to start listing books again.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}